My Mind's Eye

Finding myself at a loss for words, and the funny thing is, it's ok...

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    Friday, June 30, 2006
    Today was one of those "proud youth leader days", in a matter of speaking anyway. Today was the Valleyview Grad. AWWWWW!! So this morning as my house came alive with the hustle and bustle of the beautification process, complete with gabbing, lots of coffee (mostly for me), and a rundown of grad party events; I looked at everyone and almost got all choked up....tear. It's funny how a big event in the lives of people that you love can really make you reflect, get all nostalgic, sentimental, you know, that old chesnut. Some of them have come such a long way, and I'd just like to say how proud I am of all the accomplishments and growth I've seen in them since I've known them.
    Let the games begin! As grad season quickly approaches every year, accute observation will promptly demonstrate the fierce competition that arises as well. Guys and their sports can step aside as they are easily, and sometimes savagely, put in their place by "girls and Grad". You thought Australian Rugby was tough, you haven't seen anything until you've seen a girl go after that perfect grad dress, grad date, grad shoes, grad hair, or grad makeup and have an opponent courageous enough to compete for all or any one of the items on the list. It's a delicate balance of shrewd cunningness, and masterful manipulation. It's a game full of skill, and determination, that will ultimately bring them to the goal, the finish line, the prize.....
    Grad Night.
    Your a fool if you think that all it takes is the dress. Hah! I scoff in your general direction! Oh no my friend, grad preparations begin somewhere mid September, looking for that one perfect dress, the shoes, the accessories, even including the under garments. Of course when you start, and when you actually discover your invaluable treasure, (I say invaluable b/c I've known parents to be convinced to buy grad dresses that cost more then my wedding dress for this single most important night in a teenage daughters young life) are many times two completely different scenarios. The hunt can go on for months! Once the dress is found however, then the personal beautifying process begins. Gents, you once thought that Esther had to endure an extereme process for her infamous night with the king, this is a worthy comparison to be sure. In the first breaths of October, girls all over are cutting out fast food, and carbs, toning, and tanning to strive for that perfect, model, out of a magazine look for none other then
    Grad Night.When the date finally comes, the entire 24 hours is devoted to perfection.
    Take my house today for example. Blow dryers, Curling irons, crimplers, gel, hair spray, nail polish, mail polish remover, all kinds of make up in all shades, fabric, tool, shoes, jewelery all seemed to be levitated and in orbit around all 3 levels of my townhouse. Needless to say, hy husband made a mad dash out the door as soon and the chaos ensued. The end result my friend, is 4 cinderellas, each worthy of their own fairytale, stand in absolute glory as the look is complete, and they are awaiting their various chariots to take them to the night they've been preparing for.

    Song of the Day : Mercy - Heather Clark
    posted by Tennille @ 11:49 PM   4 comments
    Life by Quizzes
    Tuesday, June 27, 2006
    Dearly Beloved, we gather here to say our goodbyes. Here she lies, no one knew her worth. The late, great daughter of mother earth. 'Tis true, I see no use in pretending anymore. my beautiful garden that I put so much love into has become an ill-fated victim of the piercing rays of the blazing inferno we call the sun. Yes, it has been tried, and found guilty by a jury of it's peers (jupiter, pluto, and the members of orion's belt as well as scorpio), of murder in the 1st degree. The poor, blossoming beauties never saw it coming. We mourn their passing, and plead why oh why must we be forced to live at the mercy of the sun's rage???? Who's next, we all wonder...

    Well according to a few of the MANY quizzes that you can find on the internet, I have a number of personality traits that I wasn't aware of. For example, if I was a chocolate treat I would be a chocolate covered strawberryand if I were an alcoholic beverage a Bloody Mary would somehow suit my style. My muppet personality is Kermit the Frog, apparently I'm supposed to be an actor with a peaceful soul, oh yeah, and lest we forget my weapon is a M-240 machine gun!

    You know when things in life become so positively absurd that all you can do is laugh and shake your head, knowing that the only reason you have even an ounce of sanity left is by the grace of God? Yes, this has become my life, and amoung the many different situations that I find myself in, particularily at work, are only because God definately has an outrageous sense of humor. Although when I start to recant the various scenarios I've found myself in the past 6 months, I wouldn't trade a second of it. It's challenging, stretching, and completely unpredictable, and that's what I love about it. You could be sitting with someone trying to convince them that their throat isn't closing and they aren't suffocating as they are screaming at you on minute, and then you turn around and your outside with a client, awaiting the arrival of the alien mother ship to come and reclaim one of it's own. Has my life become boring? Not a chance.

    Now, since I always do a song of the day, I would like to know your own personal theme song? Either for your life in general, or for the day, week, month, whatever. At the moment, mine would have to be Selah by Lauren Hill (thanx Lucas!), but a moment passes, and since I'm known for changing my mind quite often, it'll probably be different tomorrow.
    posted by Tennille @ 1:54 AM   9 comments
    Can a Black Thumb turn green?
    Sunday, June 18, 2006
    Can a tiger change it's spots? A Zebra, it's stripes? A geek his/her draw towards Captain Kirk and Spok? Is it pure lack of knowledge that hinders a person from success at a hobby, or is it just that they are completely and totally void of any talent regarding the particular area of interest?
    Anyone who knows me at all knows that in my 23 years of life I have never been able to successfully grow any kind of plant. I even had someone buy me a catus thinking that there was no way I could screw up this one...WRONGO! Yes, it is true, I have been ultimately cursed with the dreaded black thumb. Vegetable patches everywhere shrivel as my shadow passes over them, flowers wilt, vines are choked by my presence. Vegetation of all colors, shapes and sizes, beware as the proverbial Angel of Death passes thru your patch of soil.
    Now, this however does not run in that family b/c my younger cousin is the Angel of life when it comes to all plant life and greenery, and not being able to accept defeat by a mere plant, asked her to teach me how to garden (yes, I said it, teach me how to garden, apparently that isn't a "natural woman" thing). So we proceeded to go shopping for flowers and all the equipment necessary to start me on the path to healing between myself and nature. She taught me all about soil and what kind I want, and what kind of garden tools I'd need, and what herbs to plant together in what pot. I even learned how to make a stand out of bamboo and yarn (very stylish, colorful yarn I might add) for the sweet peas that will eventually grow in my small patch of earth.
    The day was a complete success! By the end of the day I could look out my back doors, and see a beautiful patch of soil full of exotic colors and smell the wonderful aroma of nature's beauty. As I look out the wondow though I wonder how long it will last, and before my cousin leaves to go home I graciously offer to allow her to come over and garden whenever she feels the need to relieve some stress in her life....:o)
    Song of the Day : Open Up the Gates - PlanetShakers
    posted by Tennille @ 9:50 PM   4 comments
    Friday, June 16, 2006
    I've been informed that I don't update my blog enough, so here we go. It's kinda funny that I started one of these things b/c my life really isn't interesting enough to record, but oh well, I guess it's a good place to blow off steam or whatever.
    Today was an interesting day b/c it was my first day off and although I tried to keep it really relaxed and easy, somehow it got filled. Funny how that happens. When I got home from work I tried desparately to sleep, however my efforts turned out to be in vain. Now, for an insomniac who has stayed up all night the previous two nights with about 3 hours sleep inbetween, this became increasingly aggravating. So, with a million thoughts of productive things I could be doing instead of lying in bed NOT sleeping, letting my temper reach the boiling point, I promptly got up and decided to go practice piano. AH, relaxation.....uh oh, NOW I'm tired, and have to go have a lesson and pick up Tom. Fabulous. Why does my body hate me??? Of course the answer to an overheated, sleep deprived system is always and forever, CAFFEINE!! My best friend. Timmy's Iced Cap to be specific. This helped somewhat, although in my humble opinion, they don't put near enough caffeine in those things.
    So with my iced cap in hand, and the Rent Soundtrack blasting, I'm on my way to pick up my husband from work, then to piano. Tom and I have a little bit of a war going on. I adore Rent, and Tom abhors it. However, I was driving, and I was first one in the car, so na na na na boo boo! (We're so mature).
    As I'm having my lesson, a thought pops into my head in somewhat staggered clarity...Birthday party.....Kelly O's.....5:30pm.....Friday. Crap! Why don't I write things down??? Oh, and just a little nugget of wisdom for all you wonderful people out there, if you don't have a birthday card to give to someone as your racing to their party, it is much better to give a card later then to just throw $10 i nchange on the table and say, here ya go, we didn't have time to get you a card. Yes, to those of you who are scoffing at such an act, my husband decided that this would be a good way to show someone that they are special. I mean seriously! Who does that?! Now, he understands that some people may actually take this as an incredible insult, and promised that it's not something he'd make a general practice of. He did explain that's what him and his best friend do, however, what men do in each other's company isn't always acceptable in public. :o) Poor guy, he is well intentioned though. :o)
    Anyway, it was a good time. Shout out to Stacey, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
    After the party we raced over to youth to help out with that, however, of course, our fearless, and fabulously organized leaders had everything under control. So Sonya and I gabbed for an hour and a half, and I came home, cooked lasagna for my wonderful husband, and did laundry. At this moment I'm relaxing on the couch witha big glass of iced water, enjoying the incredible vocal stylings of Heather Clark.
    Now, I know this entry changed your lives, and your sitting there wondering how to comment on such a creative, riveting tour de force, but have no fear my friends, an entry such as this comes along quite often in my humble rantings of an evil genius.....:oP
    posted by Tennille @ 10:53 PM   9 comments
    Monday, June 12, 2006
    Ok, the most perfect weather to have on your birthday is, of course, a huge thunder and lightening storm! I mean, come on, it's fabulous! It makes you feel so small and powerless, and yet in total awe. Of course there is the whole down side of people being struck by lightening, and all that, but still, thunder storms are a beautiful thing.
    So, another birthday has come and gone. I'm now 23, as my friend so sensitively left on my voicemail, I'm old and married. To be honest, I've never felt the whole age thing to be that big of a deal. Some will argue that it's because I'm only 23, but I've known people to freak out over turning 20 b/c they are no longer a teenager, or like my husband, to get all sensitive about turning 26 b/c his 20's are more the half over. But really, come on, what's the big deal?
    We had a great little get together at my 'rents place with family and friends, My brother bought me a humongous birthday cake, even with 17 people, and some having multiple pieces we couldn't finish it! The thing that cracked me up is that my cousin bought me the movie "Rent" for my birthday, and to watch my very proper grandma look at it, and try to figure out what it was all about and why on earth I would enjoy such a movie was actually quite humorous! I'm suprised she didn't demand I repent right on the spot for having such an abomination in my personal DVD library. I decided not to confess my devotion to Austin Powers at that moment. It might have been too much. :o) It was also a really cool day b/c we got to connect with some old friends and get to know some new ones too, so it's been good. We were planning on going up to Margaret Falls and walking up in there, and then having a little picnic thingy, but I wasn't too keen on the idea of waltzing around a bunch of trees with water right there, and a thunder and lightening storm going on. I love storms, but I'm not an idiot.
    During my little celebration at my parent's house, one of my friends asked me an interesting question. She told me to sum up the last year in one word, and the next year's expectations in 2 words. That's took me awhile, but here's my answer : Last year : HARD
    Next year: Excitement, Change. Now come one people, I want to hear your answers. Sum up your last year in one word, and what your kinda feeling or expecting your next year to be like...It's hard to think of at first, but once you do, it's kinda cool.
    Song of the Day : 525 600 Minutes - Rent Soundtrack
    posted by Tennille @ 10:32 PM   5 comments
    Good Morning Starshine! The earth says, Hello!
    Wednesday, June 07, 2006
    Ok, well I haven't updated my blog in a while, so I figured I could do one more.
    Tom and I had such a great day today, we went out looking for laptops, which was interesting b/c I am completely clueless when these computer whizzes start talking about gigabytes, and hard drives, and processers. Wow, not a clue, pretty much the way I choose is if it looks good. :o) I know, total girl thing to do, but whatever. So Tom and the sales guy talk about everything the computer can do and how much whatever is in the do-hickey, and I try to close the laptop to see what the cover looks like, and the sales guy just gives me this weird look, like, you've got to be kidding me. But hey, if I'm going to spend a bunch of money on something, I want it to look good. Anyway, we ended up getting a laptop, FINALLY!! And we're getting wireless internet too, so I'll be able to actually update my blog, and do some writing, and photoshop stuff, and all that. It'll be great! YAY!

    I also went to see 2 movies last week, The Break Up, and Over the Hedge. Both were not as good as I expected them to be at all. If your in a movie, and about an hour into it your looking at your watch wondering when the movie is going to be over, that's not a good thing. One of my biggest pet peeves is going to a movie and it not being as good as you thought it was going to be. I hate that!
    posted by Tennille @ 4:35 AM   2 comments
    Do you see God?
    Hey all,

    Ok, so not often do I have a really deep, philisophocal entry on here, but here it goes...

    Where do you see God in your life? Be specific. There's a difference just defaulting to the habitual "christianese" that so many people fall into, but actually seeing something for what it is, and how God worked in a particular situation.
    On Sunday I asked God to let me know that he's still in control, and taking care of Tom and I b/c we've had a rough go for, well, awhile. And he kept asking me if I truly believed his word. And of course, the defaulted grew-up-in-church/christianschool-raised-in-a-christian-family side of me automatically replies, "of course I do God". But the last couple days, I've really had to search my heart and asked myself, and be brutally honest. If I truly believed God's word, why would I be questioning his hand on my life? Why would I let worry, and anxiety rule my life instead of having the confidence and reassurance that God is our provider, and protecter? I see God in my life everday at work, so why should I question his involvement in my life at home?
    But then as I dig deeper, God shows me that he not only is our provider and protecter, friend and savior, not only that he is that, but that this is what he wants. He's chosen this, it's not out of duty or obligation, but that he WANTS to have a personal everyday, living, breathing ever present role in our lives simply because of his all encompassing love. This week alone, God has met my needs, and the needs of my husband in a such a real, and tangible way. From finances to health, God is taking these misshapen balls of clay and shaping us into his dream, for HIS Glory. Just the knowledge of that fact alone brings me face down in complete humility, b/c it's not for us to expect mercy, expect grace, but it is just b/c of who God is that he extends it to us. Not that we are worthy of it, but that he delights in us so completely. Cool, huh?

    Song of the day: How Great is out God - Chris Tomlin
    posted by Tennille @ 4:30 AM   1 comments
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    Name: Tennille
    Home: Kamloops, B.C, Canada
    About Me: I pretty much prefer to let people draw their own conclusions...
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